
Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Mana of each moment

Last week on my way to work I was listening to NPR on the radio in my car.

I was thinking about where I was going and what I would be teaching today. I was headed to Crispus Attucks - thinking "how amazingly lucky I am to go to this school - of all schools". Thinking of history and pride, culture and conflict, differences and kids.

I was hoping and praying that whatever comes out of my mouth today with my students - would be guided from the "Powers that be" - and not from just "me". Then I heard this NPR radio cast.


Many of my friends came to mind - and I was grateful.

Grateful for the time we have to sing and share, teach and learn, talk and listen, dance and laugh, cry and scream, love and hate....but especially to just --- be.

One never knows what simple moment will ripple out to the all in all of us. What 3 a.m. moment of clarity, flash of insight, tone of voice or timber of song --- will make all the difference in the world!

I hope you enjoy the pod-cast about the awe-some opportunities we have each day, to think, speak and share from an energy knowledge called "Mana" - a sacred source of spirit that flows from nature, the divine and each human.

To listen to and move from Mana in every word, sound and action we invoke and evoke. Much sacred peace to us all this new year, next year, new moment, next moment and in each moment of NOW!