People were weighing in on the consideration that business owners may deny services to homosexuals due to the business owner’s religious belief that homosexuality is a sin --- that homosexuals should not only be condemned, but should not be supported or served by their business. To be “forced” to serve homosexuals would be against their religious beliefs and therefore infringes upon their Religious Freedom provided in the US Constitution.
Big stuff!
Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed RFRA into law.

It’s Indiana – surprisingly…..up came the “perfect storm” on our political, spiritual and artistic weather map! We made National news over and over and over. We looked like a State whose use of fear had literally funneled a storm that spews anger, hate and non-acceptance -- disguised with Hoosier Hospitality that welcomes everyone. Just check out the George Stephanopoulos Sunday news interview with Governor Pence on his reasons for passing RFRA in Indiana.
The Indiana Governor and its legislators took the heat from this storm, hearing from the choir of people who also felt the legislation denied people their civil rights and equal protection under the law. The Indiana government representatives then made a non-religious miracle happen in one week.
They changed one line in the legislation… ONE WEEK! Big stuff!!!!
If we truly want to take care of one another --- which includes EVERYONE --- then let’s include everyone in the dialogue. Yes, if a person's religion bars them from specific things, then by all means – don’t participate. The Constitution gives everyone their right to “freedom OF religion”. But the Constitution also gives everyone their right to “freedom FROM religion”.
The First Amendment states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
The government cannot and MUST NOT establish religious standards nor institute religious concepts. This standard runs through the fiber of the Constitution and is not based on “the majority rules” thinking or mantra --- no matter how loud anyone beats this drum! This is one of the ways we monitor and prevent a “mob” mentality. This is the way we honor, include and protect everyone – including the majority AND the minority.
Based on the Constitution, those who support RFRA and are concerned their religious rights are being denied –--- no one is taking any of your rights away from you. If any of the public services requested IS against your private religious beliefs, please DO consider the civil right you have to choose to not run a business, or work a job that offers any of these services to the public. We may not pick and choose who fits and does not fit into “our” concept of public. We can pick and choose our “private” beliefs and choices. Please, DO honor your religious rights privately, but also honor your fellow human beings public civil rights. We all have every right to chose to close our business. We do not have the right to selectively close public doors person by person by person based on our private religious or non-religious beliefs.
The entire RFRA event shines light on the fact that Indiana as an entire STATE does not include Gays, Lesbians and Transgender people in its non-discrimination clause. Each city decides who can or cannot be discriminated against. The State is now considering the addition of four words and a comma to the non-discrimination clause:
---- sexual orientation, gender identity ---
I wonder which way the wind will blow on this one in the midst of this perfect storm. If we remove politics, religion and our focus on rules, thoughts and limitations – we would all know exactly what to do. We all learned it in Kindergarten. Treat everyone with kindness –--- equality.
It’s THAT simple – isn’t it? --- really it IS!
I went to a Sufi retreat a month ago – where we learned dances, music, poetry and concepts from all cultures and yes, from all religions and non-religions of the world. None were excluded. Every SINGLE one was beautiful and brought us together as a group. My favorite meditation was when we imagined beauty, peace and acceptance being given to every single person, animal and part of nature that lives on this communal planet -- EQUALLY. No one was excluded --- not even those we consider terrorists; for as we have seen, each of us carries the power to inflict terror or love. It is that simple and that universal. That same weekend workshop I learned a beautiful Arabic concept/statement “Kayf Haal-ik” --- which asks each of us “what is the state of your heart?” We meditated on this question helping us take measure of our lives, choices and actions we experience every moment, every day.
What is the effect of every thought and choice we make on us and others -- EQUALLY? I ask all of us during next week’s legislative session in Indiana that attempts to add four words and a comma to our non-discrimination clause to FIRST privately consider - “What IS the state of our heart? And THEN to publicly consider --- “What is the heart of our State?”